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Overeaters Anonymous of the Mid-Peninsula

Human Services

Overeaters Anonymous of the Mid-Peninsula

Self-help 12-step program for persons who wish to stop eating compulsively.


A 12-step self-help support group that facilitates recovery from compulsive overeating. Not a diet or calorie-counting club. There are no official food plans. Instead, emphasis is on group support in dealing with the feelings behind the symptom of compulsive overeating. Recovery is threefold: physical, emotional and spiritual, and is aided by study of the 12 steps. Some meetings have special focuses such as anorexics and bulimics, over 100 pound weight loss, gay, young people, women, etc., but all meetings are open to everyone. In many cases, a 30-minute newcomers' group preceeds the regular meeting. Publishes a bimonthly Mid-Peninsula Intergroup Newsletter. Phone for a list of members, phone numbers and meeting locations. Meeting lists are available at most meetings.


Public Transit:

Varies according to location.



None, donations accepted. Cash and checks accepted.


Compulsive overeaters, bulimics, anorectics, food addicts


Desire to stop eating compulsively

How to Apply:

Apply by phone.

Service Wait Estimate:

No wait.

Service Areas:

  • San Mateo County
  • Santa Clara County