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San Mateo

NOVAworks Job Center - San Mateo

NOVAworks provides job search assistance and training to job seekers in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and throughout the Bay Area.


NOVAworks Job Center provides customized job search assistance to help you effectively find and get your next job. Our knowledgeable career advisors help you every step of the way. As a NOVAworks member, you have access to a full array of employment and career services - from developing your career strategies to customizing your resume and polishing your interview skills...all at no cost to you.


1777 Borel Place, Suite 500, San Mateo, CA 94402 37.5488706 -122.3173777 Other


Service Description:

Resume development, interview preparation, job-search strategies, communication skills, training opportunities, networking tips & events, employer recruitment events.




Adult job seekers ages 18+ with the right to work in the USA

How to Apply:

Call for an orientation

Interpretation Services:

Virtual, phone and in-person appointments available