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Human Services


Puente de la Costa Sur

Provides a single point of entry for men, women and children to have access to safety net services, health and wellness services, leadership development, and community engagement and action.


Puente de la Costa Sur (Puente) is the only community resource center for the South Coast of San Mateo County. Puente advocates for our communities and leverages resources that foster economic prosperity and security, and promote individual and community health and wellness. We support local leaders and work together to create solutions for the challenges facing our diverse population. Puente provides a single point of entry for men, women and children to have access to safety net services, health and wellness services, youth leadership development and employment, and community engagement and action. Puente also works with farmers, ranchers, and nursery owners to promote a sustainable agricultural economy on the south coast of northern California. Permanent programs include: a mobile pantry; a Second Harvest Food Bank distribution site; children's story times; and La Sala Community Living Room. Also offers a program to address maternal depression. Also offers ESL classes, individual tutoring in ESL, GED and citizenship classes. Periodically offers an Adult Literacy Program for Spanish speakers in which students learn to read and write in Spanish or complete their elementary, middle and high school within the Mexican education system. Call for specific days and times for each of these programs. Also offers, by appointment, WIC (Women, Infants and Children) services, insurance enrollment, food stamps, CalWorks assistance, tax preparation and notary services. Deposit and rental assistance subject to availability of funds. The site is part of the core network of community service agencies of San Mateo County.


Public Transit:

Contact MV Transportation for information.
620 North Street, Pescadero, CA 94060 37.25627739999999 -122.3785319 Human Services

Service Options

Languages Spoken:

  • Spanish

Accessibility Options:

  • Ramp


Services and Programs

Service Description:

Health and Wellness: Behavioral Health counseling for individual, families and children; Zumba classes; flu clinics and other health screening; alcohol and other drug prevention services; enrollment to low cost medical insurance; Pescadero clinic; summer camps for young children; among others. Economic Security: Rent and utility assistance; office services; referral to free and low cost legal services; free tax preparation return clinics; clothes, food and furniture donations; among others. Adult Education: Comprehension-based ESL classes; adult education programs such as GED, Plaza Comunitaria (a program for adults to study and obtain their 1-8 grades); an online high school equivalent program for adults in Spanish; Citizenship classes; among others. Youth Services: Tutoring; mentoring; college field trips; academic support thorough summer school classes; employment for youth; homework clubs; enrichment activities such as field trips, visits to museums, etc.; SAT classes and college bound conference and workshops for students and parents; leadership development; among others. Early Literacy Programs: Training for home childcare providers; Abriendo Puertas training for parents; Raising a Reader programming.




Residents of La Honda, Loma Mar, Pescadero, and San Gregorio


Some programs require income eligibility. All are welcome.

How to Apply:

Service Areas:

  • La Honda
  • Loma Mar
  • Pescadero
  • San Gregorio