Find community services in San Mateo County
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Health Initiatives for Youth (Hi-Fy)
(415) 274-1970 235 Montgomery Street, Suite 430, San Francisco, CA 94104
Offers training programs in health for service providers and health workshops for youth.
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services., North County Mental Health Center
San Mateo County Health System
(650) 301-8650 375 - 89th Street (Adult Services), 350 - 90th Street (Youth Services), Daly City, CA 94015
Evaluates and treats adults and children with severe mental illness in the north part of the county.
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services., South County Mental Health Center
San Mateo County Health System
(650) 573-2662 802 Brewster Avenue (Adult Clinic), 727 Shasta St. (Youth and Transition Age Youth Clinic), Redwood City, CA 94063
Evaluates persons with mental health problems and provides crisis intervention services and educational outreach in the south county area.
Family Health Services., Prenatal to Three Initiative
San Mateo County Health System
(650) 573-2501 2000 Alameda de Las Pulgas, Suite 200, San Mateo, CA 94403
Psycho-social, nutrition and health education assessment and intervention for Medi-Cal recipients and low-income persons and their children age 3 or under.
Community Health., Health Education and Chronic Disease Prevention
San Mateo County Health System
(650) 573-2227 225 - 37th Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94403
Provides information about health promotion and disease prevention.
Children and Family Services
San Mateo County Human Services Agency
(800) 632-4615 1 Davis Drive, Belmont, CA 94002
Accepts referrals about situations in which children age 17 or under are in jeopardy because of abuse, abandonment or exploitation.
Family Health Services., Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Programs
San Mateo County Health System
2000 Alameda de las Pulgas, Suite 200, San Mateo, CA 94403
Reviews the community's maternal, child and adolescent health (MCAH) needs and the adequacy of providers and facilities to meet those needs.